Original text:
“This soup is also made with bors and with acacia cabbage juice: it is preferable with the sour cabbage juice.
Chicken juice or boar to boil with onion cut into pieces and parsley; then add the pieces of turkey or gherkin. ”
725 ml of acacia cabbage juice
1 parsley link
1 piece of onion
1 piece gut liver
1 pc
1 piece gang heart
cut the small bowls of the goulash
boil cabbage jam, onion, ¾ of parsley and finely chopped pieces (about 30-40 minutes)
Finally, add the rest of the freshly chopped parsley
The recipe is not clear if it refers to roots of parsley or green parsley. I have chosen to make green parsley. An extraordinarily easy to cook soup, but very tasty, very refreshing, perfect for days after a party or after very busy tables (Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Birthday party, etc.). My Rating: 5 stars (on a scale from 1 to 5 stars)