The Student Culture House was built on the Plevna Cale on the initiative of Stelian Popescu (president of the Anonymous Society, “The Universe”), and inaugurated on November 18, 1937. Between 1957 and 1982, it was known as the House of Culture of the Students of Bucharest “Grigore Preoteasa”.
In 1956, it passed under the tutelage of the Ministry of Education and Science. This year also the student culture centers from Iasi and Cluj Napoca are set up.
There is a busy period of the Students’ House, which is supported financially by the various political leaders. The building is equipped with new furniture, sound and lighting equipment, musical instruments and means of transport.
In the 1960s and 1970s, music provided the freedom that was deeply lacking in Romanian students, and the Cultural House had become a social and cultural magnet that offered foreign language classes, dance or music and the so-called “dance teas” at weekends .