Athénée Palace Hilton is one of the best known hotels of our capital, being affiliated with the global brand Hilton. The hotel was built between 1912 and 1914, according to the plans of Theophile Bradeau, in a place where stood, 100 years before, the Gherasi Inn.
Athénée Palace was the first multi-story building in Bucharest, and the first with a structure made out of reinforced concrete. Since its’ construction, it was one of the most luxurious hotels in Bucharest.
Two of the most representative signs of the hotel are the English Bar and the “Le Diplomate” hall, the first one being one of the most popular locales in the period between the wars. The ”Le Diplomate” hall is very well kept and it’s considered a historic monument. The Belle Epoque architecture can be seen in the lobby, which is named after its’ marble columns – Les Colonnades.
In 1937, the hotel goes through a process of modernization, following the plans of the architect Marcu Duiliu, who opts for a more simplistic style (art deco), but tries to maintain the special atmosphere of the hotel.
The building is hit by the bombardments that were targeting Gara de Nord, in 1944, and a part of the hotel burns, the windows being shattered by the blast of the explosions. In 1948, following the indications of the same architect, Marcu Duiliu, the building was repaired.