The police, as an institution, accompanied the state in all the history-known arrangements, as it is known that every society needs imperiously internal order, and therefore the structure by which it is assured.
The Romanian police have their origins in Agia’s old institution. The term “aga” is mentioned for the first time in documents, first in Wallachia – 1567, then in Moldova – 1592.
Starting with the Law of Organizing the Police, of Alexandru Ioan Cuza (1860), followed by the Law of Vasile Lascăr (1903), the competences of the police are extended and the relations with the other structures of the state are much better regulated. “Any other reforms we will make, however good and useful,” said Interior Minister Vasile Lascar, in the Statement of Reasons to the Police Act, held in the Senate on January 25, 1903, “it would be superfluous if, we would have guaranteed first the public order and the internal security of the state.”
Ranks and uniforms then
At present, the Romanian Police is the main force of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which exercises powers to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of the person, private and public property, prevention and discovery of offenses, respect for order and public peace.
The institution has a pyramidal structure, being coordinated by the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police and represented, in all administrative-territorial units, by the county police inspectorates.