Regardless of the form of organization and designation, the Border Police’s mission is the same: in peacetime – guarding the borders and the prevention of illegal activities towards internal security, starting from the border and during wartime – the participation, alongside other fighting forces, in the struggle for the defense of the ancestral land.
In 1834, based on the Organic Regulation, the Border Guard Corps was established for the first time in Muntenia. In 1850, ruler Barbu Dimitrie Ştirbei gave the “Legion of Borders” to the Border Guards Organization, a kind of regulation in which he set up the way of securing border guarding and control, staffing, the number of pickets and the people who composed them, on each side border, constituting the emergence of the border guards’ weapon.
The Romanian Border Police is part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, being the specialized state institution with responsibility for the supervision and control of the state border crossing, the prevention and the fight against illegal migration and cross-border crime, the observance of the legal regime of the state border.