the original text: “With a quarter kilogram of raspberry syrup, put 3 quarters of a kg of water, and 3 lemon juice, 4-5 tablespoons of crushed sugar, all well chewed and squeezed through a servet, then placed in the icebox . ”
source: Good housekeeper or cookbook, Ecaterina Comsa, 1929
250 ml raspberry syrup
750 ml of water
4-5 tablespoons of powdered sugar
3 pieces of lemon
Squeeze the juice from 3 lemons
Mix the raspberry syrup well with water, lemon juice and powdered sugar
Stretch the composition through a strainer
Put in ice-cream molds / boxes in the freezer
It is consumed the next day (when it freezes)
We put the composition in both siliconised ice cream and classic boxes. Both variants are going very well. A very, very refreshing ice cream, good and winter, but surely perfect for the hot summer days. Very simple and healthy. Clearly, great joy for children. My Rating: 5 stars (on a scale from 1 to 5 stars)