Original text of the recipe:
“We clean and clean a carp about 1 kg. We prepare separately a 100 g of bacon (with meat strips through it), two eggs, salt, pepper, four garlic cloves, some parsley yolks and a little chives. Fill the carp with this chopping stick and stitch it, so that the contents do not fall out of it. We put it on a plate that resists the fire (Jena glass) .Sweet a piece of butter like an egg with half a glass white wine and half a glass of water, a little bit of pepper and salt (a knife tip), and put it in the oven and sprinkle it on like any steak, we turn the fish from time to time to roam everywhere. let’s cook for about 2 hours and serve it warm. ”
1 kg of carp
100 g of bacon
2 cooked eggs
4 cloves of garlic
some parsley yarns
a chinchilla (green leaves)
1/2 glass of white wine
1/2 glass of water
1 piece as an egg butter
clean and wash the carp
with a mixer we make a bacon pickle, boiled eggs, garlic, parsley, chives (green leaves of the cheese), a little salt and pepper
place the fish in a heat-resistant bowl and fill the fish with this stuffing
close the fish with special chopsticks or stitch up to prevent the stuffing
add to the pot with fish, butter, wine, water, salt, pepper and cook in the oven
when the fish is browned on one side, it turns back and forth on the other side
it is ready when the fish is beautifully browned on both sides
serve warm
We’ve replaced eggs cooked with boiled eggs.
I put the traditional smoked country bacon.
After I filled the fish I closed it with special metallic sticks (they are like small metallic teapots)
This stuffed carp has a special, fresh, very good taste
My recommendation: 5 stars (on a scale of 1-5 stars)