The original text of the recipe: “We pour the pork or cow together, we give it salt and pepper or the pepper, then mix it with the bacon and onion, we take the cold water too, so they will not be too wicked. hand the carnate, grill in fat, to which we put the onion and the onion and turn a few soup on them to not burn.
We can mix pork chicken or beef with sour cream and yolks and taste it with salt, bite, wine and lemon peel, or garlic, cooking snakes as well.
Serve with mustard or vegetable linen. ”
Source: NEW BOXES, Ms. L.I.S, 1908
500 g fatty meat
1 garlic capatana
1 onion
1 tablespoon of sour cream
1 egg yolk
1/4 glass of white wine
1/4 glass of water
The meat, garlic and onion are fried through the machine
Mix the meat chop with sour cream, egg yolk, wine, water, salt, pepper and nutmeg
Put the meat chicken for 10 minutes in the refrigerator (to get better)
Moisten your hands with water, take a piece of meat and form mititeii
Put the mitites on the barbecue
Serve hot, with mustard and beer
In the original recipe is indicated a “muscat” spice = regionalism for nutmeg.
I did not add bacon because I put a fat flesh.
Even if the original recipe is appropriate to crack the mititeii, I chose to put on the grill.
Fits meat with salt, pepper, garlic, nuggets to taste.
Mititei with a very good consistency, with fresh and good taste.