Original text of the recipe:
“1 kg of fish (carp, sleep, etc.), 2 l of water, 500 ml of bors, 1 onion, 2 carrots, 1 roots of parsley, 1 small celery, 40 g of rice, 2 peppers, 4 tomatoes, salt, green egg
Put the vegetable, cut as for the soup, boil, add salt and rice. When the vegetable is almost cooked, add the washed and proportioned fish. After about 20 minutes, the borscht is boiled and green. Before serving at the table, beat an egg like for the omelette, in a bowl, with finely chopped lemon, slowly pour the juice and stir quickly, then pour the rest. ”
Source: Fish preparations, Maria Ardeleanu, 1980
1 kg of carp
2 l of water
500 ml bors
1 onion
2 carrots
1 roots of parsley
1 small celery
40 g of rice
2 fat peppers
4 tomatoes
a little salt
a few lewd threads
1 ou
Cleanse the fish, wash and share
Clean the vegetables and cut them like a soup
Put the vegetable to boil (when the water is already hot)
More late, add salt and rice
When the vegetable is almost cooked, the fish is added
Add the boiled borscht
The beaten egg is cut and the bors (a few minutes before the end)
When the borsch is ready, add freshly chopped pastry
After being boiled, the fish can be removed from the bors and served on a separate dish at the table.
If you want to serve this bors on a day of fish-free fish, do not add the egg to the end.
A very good fish bors!
My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars.